Monday, October 17, 2011


“A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.”

Ryan brought home a pomegranate that was given to him... I love pomegranates. I knew I loved them, but I had no idea that only the action of cracking it open would bring on so many memories of my Grandma. As soon as we opened it, I remembered eating them with her. I remembered how she would remind me over and over not to get it on my clothes because it would stain. Then last night, like when I was younger, I eagerly tried to split it open and splattered the juices on my shirt. Now, I remember how patient she was with it and how I wanted to be patient too. She wouldn't crack it open and immediately start eating like most would. She would carefully pick off every juicy seed and put them together in one bowl. She would wash all of the seeds, maybe even let them get cold in the refrigerator for a bit. Then, once each one was exactly how she wanted it she would sit down and enjoy them slowly without the hassle of peeling.

I have learned so much from my Grandma. Patience is probably one of the best traits she could have taught me and she might not even know she did. The pomegranate Ryan brought home was the reminder I needed. Stay patient. Even if life is rough right now, just stay patient and in time everything will get worked out.

These images are for her. I don't get to see her everyday and I don't get to enjoy a pomegranate every day, but I can now look at these photos and remember what she taught me simply by the way she ate her pomegranate.

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